I am delighted to share with you a comprehensive e-book to help you go deeper with your cards!
This entire website has been created for you, to get the very most out of my card deck and book. When you download the book you will see links to additional resources – they are all here on this website for you, so bookmark it now!
Along with the ebook, I have created a PDF Journal. This will help you to:
- Reflect daily on the card you are working with as outlined in your book;
- Reflect weekly on what is changing as you work consistently with the cards;
- Focus on resetting your relationship with food. Read the additional guidance on mindful eating and how to redirect your energy from negative to positive when it comes to food and eating;
- Give you practical support with this through the daily and weekly sheets to use;
I have outlined the instructions for requesting your free e-book below, and recorded a short video to walk you through exactly how to do it. Kindle do not make this easy, but I hope my instructions make it easy for you!
To receive your e-book with my compliments, you first need to approve me as a sender of emails to your Kindle account – this ensures the book is automatically added to your library when I email it to you:
Sign into your Amazon account.
On the top left you can see a drop-down menu where it says "All" - click on the three lines.
Scroll down to Kindle e-readers and books
Scroll down to Manage your content and devices
At the top of that screen you will see the menu "Manage your Content and Devices" and the option "Preferences" - click on this
Scroll down to Personal Document Settings and click it
At the end of that page you will see a section called "Approved personal document email list". You need to add my email address - emma@eatingfreely.com - to this list.
Once you have done this, just email me to let me know and I'll email the book to you. It will be in your Kindle library within 5 minutes of me emailing it, and I will let you know when I have done this - please allow for the time difference here in Ireland!
Please watch the video below - 'how to set up your kindle email' - if any of the above is unclear, and the second video shows you how it looks on Kindle and what's inside.
It would mean the world to me if you could take 2 minutes to write a review of the cards on Amazon too – reviews are one of the best ways to get more visibility on Amazon. You can leave an anonymous review, just use your initials or a nickname.
Thanks again for buying my cards, and please do not hesitate to reach out if I can help with anything. I’m happy to hear from you.
Warmest wishes,